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Isaac Khor

My name is Isaac Khor, and I’ve been writing software, both big and small, since 2012. I have experience in most major areas of software engineering, from embedded programming, time-sensitive networking, and kernel hacking.

I am currently pursuing a PhD in systems. My research interest lies mainly in distributed and operating systems, specifically in unikernels, edge computing, containerisation, fault tolerant systems, virtualisation, and storage systems.

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  • Summer 2024: Research Intern, Cloudflare Inc
  • 2021-2022: Graduate Trainee, Intel Malaysia
  • 2019-2021: System Administrator, Clark University
  • 2019-2021: Teaching Assistant, Clark University
  • Summer 2019: Software Engineering Intern, Intel Malaysia


  • Predicting Erosion Channel First Passage with Machine Learning. Isaac Khor, Arshad Kudrolli, Li Han. Presented at APS March Meeting 2021.


Northeastern University, MA - PhD student in Computer Science, started Fall 2022

Clark University, MA - Graduated Jun 2021, 4.0 GPA, High Honours, Summa Cum Laude

Existing and Current Projects

LSVD - A log-structured virtual disk built on top of an object store.

ZStore - An distributed, eventually-consistent KV store built on ZNS SSDs (WIP).

LinuxPTP - An implementation of the Precision Time Protocol (PTP) on linux.

Tridactyl - A vim interface for Firefox. A successor to vimperator (may it rest in peace).

XIVAnalysis (Github) - Automated FFXIV performance analysis and suggestions

Autograder for Clark CS Courses - I was in charge of Clark’s autograding infrastructure for several CS courses. Email the CS department for access.